
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Water Challenge!

What’s the big deal about water?

The Earth is 70% water. Your body is 80% water. It stands to reason that water is some pretty important stuff – right?

Water is the bodies transportation medium. It’s how it moves EVERYTHING around to different parts of your body…everything. Water is used to move nutrients to your 100 trillion cells in your body. Water is used to move waste & toxins from your cells, to leave your body. Water is used to wash fat from your body. These things have to
get out somehow right? They don’t just evaporate away! So water moves good things around your body, and water moves waste and toxins and fat out.How much water is enough?

Rule of thumb to follow: 

drink 1/2 ounce for every 1 pound of your weigh, everyday. That’s .033 liters per 1kg you weight.
150lbs. Half = 75. So 75 ozs each day
250lbs. Half = 125. So 125 ozs each day

68kg x .033 = about 2 liters day
90kg x .033 = about 3 liters each day

Things to expect
- You will pee more…Welcome the pee! That is how your body removes the toxins and the fat from your cells and your body. Help it out. I drink tons of water and I pee…deal with it! It’s temporary – the excess peeing will stop withing a week. (Your pee will be very light yellow, almost clear – by the way)

Pee Time!

- You’ll have more regular, easier to pass, bowel movements
- More energy!
- You’ll be less hungry
- Many of you will lose an inch or 2 from your waist.
- Many of you will lose 5-10 lbs (REALLY!)
- Your skin will become more clear
- Less joint pain
- You’ll have less annoying body sweating (more water = less excess sweat!)
- A few of you will become bloated. That’s not because you are drinking too much water. It’s caused by a lot of gut activity now that you have the proper amount of water. That’s causing some gas, and it’s trapped. And of course it’s temporary.

FACT: When your body has a shortage of water, it takes water from less important places (joints) to use in more important place (brain).

Here are 10 reasons why you should drink more water each day:

1. Perfect For Weight Loss
(water has no fat, no calories, no carbs, no sugar and can help act as an appetitie suppressant)

2. Keeps Your Heart Healthy
(if you drink adequate water each day, studies have shown that it will decrease your chance of a heart attack).

3. Keeps You Energized
(being dehydrated can zap you of your energy and make you feel tired)

4. Natural Headache Cure
(some headaches are caused by lack of water; drink more to prevent and treat headaches)

5. Healthier Skin
(many celebrities swear that one of their best beauty secrets is drinking a lot of
water each day for clear and glowing skin)

6. Cleansing Effects
(water is used by the body to flush our toxins and waste)

7. Be More Productive
(water helps your body perform at it's best, including during exercise. Dehydration makes it hard to be as productive and active as you can be)
8. Digestion
(not only does water help organs to absorb nutrients better, it can also help with stomach acid problems)
9. Helps prevent/treat constipation
(sufficient hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. When you don't get enough fluid, the colon pulls water from stools to maintain hydration -- and the result is constipation)
10. Protects and cushions your vital organs, including your heart.


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