
Monday, April 28, 2014

May's Pedometer Challenge

The Pedometer Challenge: Step It Up in May!

Hey Accountable's!!!

Need a little motivation to either start exercising or to “kick up” your current routine? I may have a fun, easy, and cheap solution for you.

1 – First, you can simply buy a pedometer at Walmart for under $10 bucks, I think the one in the picture said $3.99, or you can down load an app to your smart phone that actually counts your steps (Noom pedometer App - there are others as well, get the one of your choice). Using the phone, however, you will have to keep it with you all the time....hmmm? I recommend getting an actual pedometer, but I do not know your current financial situations. You can always go pro and make an investment into a Fitbit, or Nike plus wrist band, I have also heard of the jawbone and some others, you will have to research them on your own if you would like to invest in a pedometer that is more complex. However, for this challenge simple is sweet, whatever works...

2 – Everyday, at the end of the day, you can either take a picture of how many steps you have taken or you can simply post the number in the group. Whether the number is super small or huge, every day I want to see numbers. We are here to help and encourage, we will never judge or criticize...SO THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME IN THIS. Some of us are very active and others are house wives that rarely get out, so please no comparing.

3 – We will then set goals for ourselves, May 1st maybe trial and error. We need to come up with a number that will push us to be more active, but not kill us and leave us defeated. They say that 10,000 steps is a healthy number to aim for, some of will not get to 2000. It is ok; this is to make us aware of how active we really are and to push us to make goals to be more active. Please message me if you are having problems coming up with a number...I was clueless when I fist started. Also, some nights you may have to take a walk to hit your goal or we may need to adjust your goal a little at a time. There are some heavy hitters in this group, so please do not try and keep up with them, I cant, and I do not feel bad about it, nor should you!

The Rules for The Pedometer Challenge

1 – Be honest. God is watching. Duh.

2 – Enter your steps daily on the FB group page. This makes it more fun and pushes everyone harder (it isn't about you)!

3 – Have fun while getting healthy! Encourage one another, go walking with friends and family, or talk on the phone while walking around your house cleaning....however you do it, just do it.

P.S. to anyone that is not in our accountability group on Facebook and would like to be, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to add you.

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