
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

P90X3 is so different then the original!

So I am on day 63, of the 90 days with the famous Tony Horton in P90X3! I love it! It is just enough time to get the burn just right and leave you feeling like you spent an hour in the gym! I will post by before and after pictures at 90 days! Follow my page for the updates.
The first week or so I was so focused on the moves I didnt realize how Tony is in this series. The original P90X I did not really enjoy, there was to many weights and it was way to long! I encourage you to try this one with an open mind, it is completely different! Besides, there is a money back guarantee...who can eat that?! Not amazon, E-bay, craigslist or any other entity that sells his products! So enter to join in on my next Challenge group, it is coming up quickly, May 19th 2014! Summer is only 60 days away!

Featuring 30-minute workouts that get you ripped fast, P90X3™ !
What is P90X3?
• An extreme workout program designed to burn fat, build lean muscle, and get you ripped in  30 minutes a day.
 • The latest creation by extreme fitness expert Tony Horton, who found a way to help people get  exceptional results with shorter workouts.
 • Explosive 30-minute routines that are packed with dynamic, high-intensity moves, designed for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
Who is it for?
 • People who have a hard time keeping up with a workout program because their schedules are jam-packed.
 • Those who enjoy extreme workouts, but don't like to waste time even when they're not busy.
 • Men and women who simply enjoy shorter workouts that still get them in the best shape of their lives.
 • Fans of Tony Horton and other extreme Beachbody® programs like INSANITY®.
What do people love most about P90X3?
 • Major studies show that you get the most out of a workout within the first 30 minutes.
 • Even those people with incredibly tight schedules can always find 30 minutes a day to work out.
 • Most moves in this program can be modified, so literally anyone at any fitness level can do P90X3.
Exclusive! My customers will get a FREE Bonus Workout DVD, P90X ONE on ONE® "On One Leg."
It's an entire workout on only one leg! Just when you thought you had seen it all from the Master of Muscle
Confusion™, he comes at you hard with a little twist. A $19.95 value—FREE to my customers only!

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